A Brief Walkthrough On CMMS Cybersecurity

CMMS platforms can also be compromised like peer software which brings us to our today’s discussion topic of how to prevent cyber attacks.

CMMS platforms can also be compromised like peer software which brings us to our today’s discussion topic of how to prevent cyber attacks.

A Computer Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) can regulate maintenance operations of businesses that collate vast data. Be it operation or inventory-related; the importance of data storage is immense for any business as a cost-effective solution for improving operational efficiency.

CMMS data can be stored either on a personal server or the cloud. Irrespective of the storage type, the security risk increases by collating all your documents and assets under a common umbrella.

CMMS platforms can also be compromised like peer software which brings us to our today’s discussion topic of how to prevent cyber attacks.

Stringent Security Standards

Strict security standards can be your first step to ensure the security of Computer Maintenance Management Software. There needs to be a similarity between the degree of your data sensitivity and the number of security measures put into place. These standards shall have to be properly conveyed to the entire team having either regular or temporary access to your system.

The files can be further categorized according to priority so that greater security can be earmarked against the protection of sensitive information. Different monitoring and access management systems can be put into place once the standards have been set and all the authorized people have been informed about the same. This mock network segmentation can secure your data from potential attacks.

Cloud-Based Security

Cloud CMMS is preferred as it has lower upfront costs compared to on-premise installed systems. Updates also become a breeze and can even be scheduled automatically. Advanced data encryption protocols are utilized by cloud-based CMMS which are updated and maintained on a routine basis.

CMMS software vendors work round the clock to ensure the minimization of server downtime by relying on third-party data centers like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, etc. They also run penetration and vulnerability tests now and then to prevent the client data from getting compromised. 

Regular Data Backups

A great means of protecting assets is through regular backups. Ransomware is infamous for encrypting your data and asking for a steep price to decrypt the same. Other faults like power outages, viruses, system failures, and natural calamities can also destroy your central database making data backup essential.

For offline backups, a designated area is required for storing the copies that can be the physical hard drives. Cloud storage solutions are online means of data storage. But for making the most out of this strategy, the team members need to possess adequate training for dealing with CMMS data and set regular backup schedules. 

Activate Login Tracking 

Login tracking is an important tool of access management as it can limit unauthorized access to restricted parts of the software and also keep a tab over logins on a real-time basis.

This function can help businesses in identifying suspicious activities whether launched intentionally by an insider or unintentionally by an employee whose credentials have been compromised. Geographical locations and work hours can be set outside which login becomes automatically blocked without direct administrator permission. 

User Access Security

Be it on-premise or cloud-based CMMS, user access security is given paramount importance to prevent the data from falling into the wrong hands. Encryption of login IDs and passwords can make external database access almost impossible. Central purchasing controls can be established for multiple locations and an audit trail can be generated for all activity, access, and transactions.


CMMS has gained global popularity courtesy of its imaging capabilities, and ample customization possibilities in Risk-Based Maintenance plans. The latter is particularly helpful in conserving equipment lifespan in a cost and time-efficient manner so that your production cycles do not get hampered.

Data security is not a one-size-fits-all approach and massive variations can be seen in the types of cyber threats which are being experienced. CMMS software developers are incorporating advanced security measures to address the different avenues of system vulnerabilities triggered by external hacking and virus. This can guarantee greater peace of mind to end customers regarding data protection. 

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